Re: MISC video spec (640x480 ?)
- To: MISC
- Subject: Re: MISC video spec (640x480 ?)
- From: Wayne Steven MORELLINI - Wayne <WAYNEM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 02:25:04 +0000
- Organization: Halls of Residence, Monash U.
- Priority: normal
- Return-receipt-to: Wayne Steven MORELLINI - Wayne<>
> Using a higher frequency clock will permit increasing spatial resolution,
> but would not produced correct color modulation. So my understanding is
> now that the 384x482 is the highest NTSC type resolution that P21 can
> generate with color modulation.
Could the increased frequency of the a 3.84Mhz*2 signal be
"doctored" to produce a more fine grained 3.84Mhz colour phase rsolution?
This is the same sport of suggestion I was thinking about when I was
talking about doctoring the video signal to modulate sound onto it.
If we' re going to get onto the subject of "just add a sound chip"
(as happened last time) then we would get much better results on
those lines if we just added a video chip. Further still why not
just get an Arm 7xxxx series all in one chip that does the lot, if
that was the case.
Still I have a practicle suggestion, if Jeff is thinking of
interfacing extra chips to the F21. The Neograph (
magic graph chip offers an 32-bit Vesa local bus interface, 1 M-byte
on chip dram and S-VGA chip ll in one. Using the on chip dram as
main memory it should be possible to produce an two chip computer
(pluss logic), I was actually thinking of using it on the P32 myself,
but it hasn't adventuated.
Further still to the chips from Silicon Graphics, Phase 5
(, or something) in Germany is producing a next
generation type Amiga (Abox), the heart chipset is a 128-bit device that
people think will compete with the 02 graphics wise (but we shall
wait and see), they are talking about a lower bus width version
becoming aavailable that might suit a P32 etc. Otherwise some of the
new "Amiga's" haave processor card slots.
Next on the hit list is that Microsoft has apparently donee
something really cool. They have invented a 3-D graphics standard
caalled Talsiman. The claim looks like 1.5-2 million pixels per second
on a $300-$500 doller card. The interesting thing is that the
diagram that I saw has a proceessor on it called the Media
processor. About three years ago a thing called the Media proceessor
was being devolped by Microunity, Microsoft is a major investor.
The processor wacked 10 million transitors in the same space as the
Pentium with the same feature size. It had ghz clocks and mutiple
processors and the price tag was aimed at mass consumer electronics.
Frustrtingly, about the Talisman, is that the basic info I read on
how it archives it's extra performance is along simular lines to an idea I
had the week before.
So there are a few good ones for you Jeff, for the F21,32 or 64.
> iTV is experimenting with different video designs, modulations, encoding,
> and video coprocessor instruction sets. It is not clear what designs will
> be selected in the future, but unquestionably there will be higher
> spatial and color resolutions supported.
Thats a releif, you worried some of us last year when information
was posted about getting the programs to work at the 384 resolution
Jeff your a Gem.