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Re: iTV Status/F21 Status

On Fri May 1, 1998 mlsimon@snds.com ("M. Simon") mailed to MISC:

> This is probably for Jeff.

> A one or two line update on current status would be interesting.

> I understand you are at crunch time. A short reply will do fine.

> Simon

As a direct consequence of Jeff's coming to my defense on Usenet
in March of 1998 when my independent-scholar AI project was being
attacked, I took heart and on 21.mar.1998 I resumed work in Forth
on porting my 26.nov.1994 Amiga-only Mind.rexx AI to Mind.forth.

<a href="http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/aisource.html";> Mind.forth </a>
<a href="http://victoria.tc.ca/~uj797/aisource.html";> Robot AI </a>
are the alternating Web sites where anyone may obtain the growing
and improving Forth code of the public-domain robotic AI project.

Mind.forth may eventually be tailored to run on F21 MISC chips.
Right now MISC readers may find it interesting to visit the sites
and wander up and down the "cognitive hierarchy" of the Forthmind
made navigable by virtue of HTML tags embedded within Forth code.