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Re: F21d - Video, Mup21 instructions.

My goodness what was that (German or Japanese text) that went through 

I tried that spam message and still can't find the free domain name 

>From timp@redac.co.uk Tue Aug 25 11:13:00 1998
>Organization: Redac Systems Limited
>Sounds like a good wish-list to me...
>    > I think we however are getting beat on the memory side of
>    > things, a lot of memories are being designed for sequential
>    > access as backups to cache systems, solutions:
>    >  small on chip cache
>    > - A snow flakes chance in ..
>    >  in package memory die
>    > - A reduction in headache for Chuck designing memory
>    >   modules and less
>    > charging time on the pads.
>I like the idea of an MCM job for a number of reasons, not least the
>throughput. I'd guess with the size of a 0.35u F21 the biggest package
>problem would be the cache yield ? (assuming home-grown cache dice)

Allready Mup21 uses pages and there is a hit for off page access, the 
instruction set seems to support it.

>*dream* maybe 2 F21's, a two bank cache with one bank per chip and a
>shared FPU all in a little bitty BGA...

Actually I would like to see a multi-processing module to handle 24 bit 
graphics, 3-D, 3-D stereo sound, the before mentioned IO wish list, for 
a handheld system (Java, Win-CE, game system).  It could be done with 
small (simple) resources (a network of F-21, F-32 chips) on module.  
Alternatively custom 3D/sound hardware could be included.

We have talked about modules like the PIC-Stick, Dominoes before, I 
think it holds a lot of promise.

Is anybody looking at hooking up a intergrated Graphic/3D/memory chip? 
The socket-X chip has all the hardware (except sound and ROM) for a 
Mup21 system.

>On the architecture side the Direct RAMBus stuff looks quite promising

I understand they still have slow random access, is there an improvement 
(your cache idea sounds even better)?

>is there to have multiple channels so with the right controller you
>could multiply that figure by the number of channels which could be
>rather nice for a multi-processor box (or a uni-processor with really
>parallelised read/writes).
So a Mup/F-32 could be attached to each channel, good, how many.

>As far as semiconductor technology goes the last general tit-bit I saw
>was an article in New Scientist (4th July Vol.159 No.2141 ) dealing
>with memories based on a ferrite mineral, (perovskovite or something)
>which has been known about for 30-40 years but got overlooked in the
>rush to silicon. The write-up hints that it could be significantly
>faster than Si-based chips and it's starting to get some decent
>research funding, but for the time being it's still Star Trek time

Yes I remember that, last year wasn't it?  From my random memory, there 
was some guy in Australia couple of years ago that had some technique to 
increase the memory through put by 10-100 times, he was announcing that 
he was signing uop with one of the competing groups to Ram Bus.

>Sure hope so. Oh yeah, really liked the Micro-Display stuff. Haven't
>got the cost/availability yet, but seriously interested in making up a 
>near focus display a la Private Eye using these displays - thanks for
>the pointer.

The manufactures are talking about under $25 for the device (one maybe 
under $10), one manufacture Colorado Micro-diplay is aiming to release a 
consumer display for something like $50-$100 about now (800*600, 

What people don't relise is that they can be used for full sized 
displays through projection.  By the looks of it, I think, it should be 
possible to replace LCD's in notebooks with this system.  I have been 
thinking of a few techniques to do this.  So basically in future it 
should be possible to have light handheld computer systems that consume 
100Mw of power with SVGA colour display.

Previouse message as requested:

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MISC-d Digest                           Volume 98 : Issue 32

Today's Topics:
Unidentified subject!


Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 20:57:42 PDT
From: "Wayne Morellini" <waynemm@hotmail.com>
To: misc
Subject: Unidentified subject!
Message-ID: <19980817035743.12660.qmail@hotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

Hi guys

I've had an eye on some new stuff that may interest.

- http://www.microdisplay.com

- http://www.microdisplay.com/tech_integrate.html

These are silicon chips with LCD displays matarial incorporated on the 
silicon.  On the backplane itself can be incorpoarted all supporting 
driver electronics for a full SVGA display, and "microprocessors and 
memory" a good target for I21, F21.  The company is small and probably 
eager to find partners.  There are others but I believe that this one 
has better potential with, I think, their own small Silicon display 

Incorporated with a reflective mirror type display a tablet computer 
could be made.


This is Socket-X, a large 303-ball BGA chip socket that goes on 
motherboards (Micron at moment) that has all the interfaces for Socket-X 
3-D chips.  The Rendition Socket-X chip has embedded video memory, Risc 
processor and 3D/video circuits.  Good technology for F/I 21 to fit on 
or just as a graphics processor for Mup21 ;).

VMLABS have designed a new videogame platform, Project X, for 
incorporation into DVD plays, replacing the existing chipset at simular 
cost.  This would enable them to get a wider user base for little 
effort, something that would have been possible years ago with Forth 
Chips.  http://www.vmlabs.com

That's all I can rember I've had another lecturer in and out of here 
talking to me while I've been trying to rember things, and this software 
has been crashing so I forgot the rest of the stuff.



>    > ______________________________________________________ Get
>    > Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
>Just me tuppence worth,
>Cheers      Tim

>Tim Parker,				Leading Software Engineer
>Redac Systems Ltd.,			Tel   : +44 (1454) 207800
>Zuken-Redac R&D Centre,			Fax   : +44 (1454) 207803
>1500 Aztec West, Almondsbury,		Email : timp@redac.co.uk
>Bristol, England, BS32 4RF.		Web   : http://www.redac.co.uk
>"Any opinions are mine, and mine alone. They do not reflect
> reality let alone this company"

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