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Re: Re: Re: MISC-d Digest V98 #28

On 17 Jul 1998, Dan C. Rinnert wrote:

| And, with networking, the computer should be able to delegate functions
| locally and also to other processors available on the network.  If two people
| on a network each have a machine with ten processors, and one computer is
| running all ten and being pushed to the limits, and the other is using only
| half of its processors, the first computer should be able to make use of
| those other five processors over the network.  Of course, you'd need to have
| a security feature built-in that would allow a user to disallow other network
| machines from using its spare processors, or prompt for permission.

Sounds like cellular-IRIX (6.5+) with FailSafe (TM) to me.  Not exactly
low fat, but extremely useful :-)

Penio Penev <Penev@pisa.Rockefeller.edu> 1-212-327-7423