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Re: lean + mean

>Forth is the one exception where rapid prototyping is commensurable
>with efficiency (though I think the claims of being read-only are
>largely true). It is a closely guarded secret since being a
>competitive advantage/virtually unknown outside its niche.

Yeah, the only reason I quick-rolled a quasi-FORTH for the 34010 was
because the 'C' compiler purely sucked.

>As to how efficient the MISC approach is to hardware design: show me
>the first stable silicon and I'll believe.

The PatSci1000 is looking good, so far -- as soon as I convince it to
drive video, I'll let you know (don't hold your breath, this will
take at least a month or two).

>Of course at the very end of photolitho one has to resort to design
>techniques Chuck now uses

ChuMoo's techniques are Chuck's, not mine...  vive le difference!

cheers  - vic