I posted the VHDL code for a Forth
Processor created in VHDL for FPGA's, etc. Here is the deal.
You may use all or part of the code in your own processors if you share your
enhancements for only the Forth Processor Core Design with the MISC list
and myself.
This goal of this processor design is KISS (Keep it
Simple Stupid). If the Forth Processor core takes up less than 50% of
the FPGA in your design, then you can have concurrent processes for those
other functions you need great speed for. Remember, the most
exciting thing about using VHDL to create custom FPGA's is they are
really you are creating parallel processors on a single chip. I think a
super fast Forth core which can execute multiple instructions per cycle is
really not necessary for most applications. The Forth Processor will
allow programming capabilities and off load low speed processes that
don't need speed. This will allow us to use smaller and cheaper FPGA's
and give field programming as well.
I think Forth could get its crown back as the embedded
system language of choice this way.