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[ColorForth] Code sharing


----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin" <martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "ColorForth List Member" <ColorForth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 8:58 AM
Subject: [ColorForth] Code sharing

> <snip>
> As an aside...(I think someone (volunteers please apply) needs to start a
> documentation project CDP (ColorForth Documentation Project).  Primarily
> a single document with an intro and philosophy, the basics of how to
> start and use ColorForth and then various chapters running through
> ColorForth stacks, numbers strings etc.)
> <snip>

A first order attempt to address the CDP is presented. See:
for a table of contents to Chuck's colorForth pages, Jeff Fox's colorForth
lectures and everything announced in this email list (if I missed something
please let me know).

Chuck's lectures are presented in chronological order for viewing the
historical evolution of colorForth. His colorForth web pages are indexed at
a single level to provide immediate access to relevant info. OKAD and VLSI
are not addressed because they are seperate and equally complex subjects
which deserve better understanding than I can provide.

The purpose of this page is to present a single point of access to the
colorForth community. I will attempt to maintain it on an up-to-date basis
from this email list. If you have other additions/changes please email me
directly from the address on the above URL.

Feel free to copy and change this index for your own web pages.

Terry Loveall


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