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[ColorForth] Code sharing

At 08:18 AM 8/18/2001 -0700, you wrote:
We need a site and procedure for code sharing. I don't have the time to
manage that.

 But I have acquired another domain name: www.colorForth.cc It does not
provide web space, but forwards to www.colorForth.com  Also I see that
ChaosSolutions has www.colorForth.org

Hello Chuck and all the ColorForthers.

I WAS going to e-mail Chuck, Jeff Fox, Terry Loveall, etc. about doing a ColorForth OS, hosting a CVS, etc. but the last Two/Three weeks I have got totally 'bogged down' (British expression) in work. i want to apologise for that. sometimes, my life is just not my own :-)

I own Chaos Solutions L.C. by the way.  just in case you didn`t realise.

I think we really need a CVS and we need to do a Forth OS if Forth is ever going to move ahead. I was really disapointed to see Java appear and take Forth`s rightful place.

ANS always appeared too bloated to me with way too much in the core. Whatever happened to vocabularies. Just add what you need and then strip away the words and bloat that is not needed when you build the executable. Mike Haas and Phil Burk did sterling work on this with JForth for the Amiga which can be found at http://www.jforth.org

Tell me what you need and I`ll try and supply it.

Hopefully, Chuck, Jeff Fox, myself or someone else can supply sufficient resources to move us aggressievly forward.



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