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[colorforth] Flat real mode 4word color forth

4word ver. .18, a GPL color forth is now available with flat real mode from

The 386 and above CPUs (AMD as well as Intel) have a relative flat address
mode that gives 32-bit access to both _code_ and data from 16-bit real mode.
for technical details about flat real mode programming.

It comes with a core set of extensions, including string definitions
( ': helloworld ." Hello, world." ;' is a valid definition), color tokens,
color forth dis-assembler/debugger and ASCII color source/text

The kernel is written in MASM 6.1x compatible source (included).

The color syntax is a logically simplified version of color forth.
It is ASCII character based with DOS file I/O built into the 4.25k kernel.
It uses BIOS calls for character I/O. Direct graphic video output is planned
but not present (feel free to contribute). It has a real command line.

This is presented as an alternative to Chuck's colorForth (at the expense of
some optimizations and code elegance) for those who would be interested in a
more mainstream approach to color forth.

Feedback or questions welcome. email address may be found in 4word18.zip or
on my website.

Terry Loveall


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