[ColorForth] Question regarding if
- Subject: [ColorForth] Question regarding if
- From: Richard Collins <rscollins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 23:29:28 +1200
Alex Thiel wrote:
I want to write a word that test the TOS for a non-zero value. I have tried
I was getting really confused by this so I sacrificed some efficiency
for some clarity.
I have renamed 'if' to 'ifnz' to reflect the way it behaves.
I have defined 'if' as the macro:
(red) if (cyan) 0 + drop ifnz (green) ;
So 'if' now works like it does in regular forths, where it's behaviour
is determined by the TOS, which is then discarded.
I ummed and arred about this a lot, as I didn't want to backslide to a
worse way of doing things. I'm new to forth, so it is more important to
me that I can understand what I am doing than things being the most
efficient. From looking at the Machine Forth in Chuck's chips I am
pretty sure that this difficulty around tests is an artifact of mapping
Machine Forth on to the Pentium as opposed to achieving things in a
better way that I don't understand. Please tell me if I am wrong here.
Redefining the behaviour of 'if' is going to be a pain when I start
sharing code with other colorForthers. But I will deal with that in due
I've also defined the macros:
(red) false (cyan) 0 (green) ;
red) true (cyan) 0 - (green) ;
And the equality operators as forth words in the attached picture.
I haven't attempted to optimise these. But I'm not spending time trying
to remember how the Pentium's flags work anymore.
Richard Collins
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