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[colorforth] Question regarding if

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002, Richard Collins wrote:

> Alex Thiel wrote:
> > I want to write a word that test the TOS for a non-zero value. I have tried
> I was getting really confused by this so I sacrificed some efficiency 
> for some clarity.
> I have renamed 'if' to 'ifnz' to reflect the way it behaves.
> I have defined 'if' as the macro:
> (red) if (cyan) 0 + drop ifnz (green) ;
> So 'if' now works like it does in regular forths, where it's behaviour 
> is determined by the TOS, which is then discarded.

I'm not sure the advantage of either style, for this some analysis of
colorForth code is required.

For comparison here is how one might define your words using the
colorForth 'if':

: gteq swap
: lteq 1 +
: lt less drop drop ;
: gt swap lt ;
: eq or drop ;

It is interesting that colorForth provides so few comparison operators
(none in the machine version), and also only primitive shift operations
(2* 2/). I think there is a lot of refinement going on here, both at the
machine level and language level. Trying to find the optimal set of
operators. A smaller vocabulary can make a language much easier to learn,
and also alows an application to define operators optimized for the

I for one, define arbritary shifting operators frequently. It is for
efficienty that I define these. If these were needed in every single
application, then it might make sense to include them in the core
language. But there is not a great burden in including them in an

The 'drop' included with 'if' is debatable. A non-drop 'if' is suposedly
more efficient at the hardware level. However, it would be interesting to
know how often the pattern 'drop if' occurs in colorForth code. 



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