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Re: [colorforth] an observation

> I've noticed the number of returns far outweigh the ocurance of fall
> through. Notationally, it would be more efficient to make return implicit
> and fall through explicit. In this case red words would denote the ending
> and begining of definitions, also 'then' would compile a return and the
> null token would as well.
> Is this a good idea or a trivial variation? I think it would reduce errors
> as the semicolon is mostly a syntactic entity rather than a semantic one.
> Mark

This syntax hides ; in else,  red words, every structure word  added to
 adds  test for "..."  in  ;  making  a  hidden word more complex.
 The else then  construct allows  complex structures to reside in one word.
Does not force
factoring of  logic statements.

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