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Re: [colorforth] an observation

On Thu, 21 Aug 2003, Robert Patten wrote:
> This syntax hides ; in else,  red words, every structure word  added to
> colorforth.
>  adds  test for "..."  in  ;  making  a  hidden word more complex.
>  The else then  construct allows  complex structures to reside in one word.
> Does not force
> factoring of  logic statements.

I agree this adds complexity, but so does the yellow-green transition.
Code such as:

: seven [ 3 4 + ] ;

could just as well be replaced by:

: seven [ 3 4 + literal ] ;

The justification for the complexity of the yellow-green transition is
a simpler notation. I think a similar argument applies to eliminating the
semi-colon. Is it worth the complexity? I'm not %100 sure, however the
ratio of semi-colon to fall through seems to indicate so.


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