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Re: [colorforth] Booting from HDD

On Tuesday 25 March, Nick Maroudas wrote:  
> This new floppy booted its parent machine, and proved
> it worked by playing Howerd's setting of Handel's
> though with a blank screen. 
> (Next step, add VBE call 4f01 to locate the modern
video frame buffer).  
Nick here, 

Not having an assembler to write this call into Josh's
I cheated and used Linux lspci setpci to find the vbe
It showed a prefetchable address at 40000000; this
agrees with 
the address I found in a dump of Howerd's CFDOS4 (it
calls VBE 
4f01, and is the only CF that found my new video).
Josh's CF05
has "displ" at byte address FA0, which is 3E8 in a CF
So define a new hex word in block 30 (Colors etc) and
plug this 
address into Chuck's "displ" slot.  

   forth   : display 40000000 3E8 ! ;   display 

and voila!  Sound and vision from JG's CF05 on a 3.4 GHz
Dual Core with Invidia 7200GS card.  

I am pleased; it took considerably less than 10 years,
and I learnt more about the machine - as often happens
with Forth.  



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