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Re: [colorforth] if then else - but why is there no ‘else’ in colorForth?

On Nov 5, 2008, at 4:56 PM, Jason Kemp wrote:

Hi David,

Does this work with the previous editions of CF? I imagine it should work with anything that can boot.

No clue, as I haven't tried them. If you can find a copy it might be worth giving it a try.

I can see great value in this for experimenting, particularly as it has virtual USB controllers.

My view on the issue is I have a Macbook Air as my main development box, so running on bare hardware isn't worth it. Too much of the hardware is undocumented. What I'm interested in is largely deconstructing CF so I can port it to ARM based systems (of which I have a few), where bloated OS installs waste most of the available resources and storage.

As for the USB controllers, if you can compile your emulator from scratch, you can breakpoint all of the settings, and watch it do its magic. That is probably the most efficient way to approach debugging the USB subsystem I can think of.


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