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P21 Boot, Yet More

Thanks, Christophe, for the explanation.  I suspected that the first word
loaded was the "+ -until".  However, this seems like an odd choice.

Why not build it into the DRAM like the rest of the bootloader?

Or, since the instructions after the call to word' are not necessary the
first time through, why not load those the way "+ -until" was loaded?

If I may be so bold as to enquire more...

The call and jump instructions in 8 bit mode seem to use the entire 8 bits
as the address argument, including the bit(s) used to specify the opcode.
Then these 8 bits are inverted? aaaaa xored? to form the destination

The documentation I have is Tings MuP21 Programming Manual v1.  He's up to
v3 now.  Is v3 much better than v1?
