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Re: presentation for SVFIG

Vic Plichota mourned *Jeff Fox awfully prematurely:

>> I guess I have been offline from the list for several months
> Nice to see you back, Jeff;  I had given you up for dead!
> cheers   - vic

Jeff Fox is not only alive and well, he is prominently named in

http://www.geocities.com/mentifex/mind4th.html (in thanks to Jeff

for his help; see last line of code) and among the Greats of AI:

Why do so many of the Greats of AI have four-letter names?
Alan, Andy, Bart, Bill, Dave, Doug, Drew, Hans, Harv, *Jeff,
John, Jorn, Kurt, Mark, Marv, Matt, Matz, Ment, Mike, Neil,
Nick, Nils, Noam, Paul, Pete, Phil, Push, Ross, Seth, Vern.


Jeff's Forthmind code suggestions have been so ultra-sophisticated
that yesterday from a VB-Mind coder I received e-mail begging for
an explanation of what Jeff meant when he improved a line of code:

Old SENSORIUM code:  t @  onset @  = IF  1 bg !  ELSE  0  bg !  THEN

Jeff's improvement:  t @  onset @  =       bg !

[ Try to translate THAT Forth trick into Visual Basic! ]

Arthur T. Murray